When to visit Volcanoes National park
When to visit Volcanoes National park: You can visit the volcanoes national park for gorilla trekking at any time of the year

Best time to visit Volcanoes National park

Best time to visit Volcanoes National park: You can visit the volcanoes national park for gorilla trekking at any time of the year though it would be good if you considered the seasons like from Mach to May, it’s a long rainy season and this means that this time of the year doesn’t favour those that are intending to visit places like volcanoes for gorillas and chimpanzees and other forest activities since the rain is very heavy and insistent , and gorilla trekking becomes so challenging as the tracking trails are not easy and you may not be able to see many wildlife species as you would do in the dry season.

Best time to visit Volcanoes National park
Volcano hiking

From June to Mid-September.

This is a dry period and it’s a good time of the year to visit Rwanda especially those who want to visit the Virunga Mountains region for tourism purposes like gorilla tracking. This is the best time for gorilla trekking since it will be a dry season in the rain forests where the chimps and the gorillas stay but you can also carry a rain coat and the boots since it might rain any time. During the dry season, hiking is so easier and this works for those in favour of those that want to hike in Rwanda.

Game viewing is so easy in these months since the animals always come by the water sources to slake their thirst since water is scarce in some parts of the park. This also means that you will know where to find the animals during the game viewing process.

From October to November

This is also one of the month rainy season and its short and after this, there is the dry season that comes from December to February. In this short season, the trekking of the primates can be done though can be a bit tough. Also this is the best time for bird watching since around this time, most of the smaller plants and the trees are flowering which helps in attracting many birds.

You are advised to book a birding safari and this starts towards the end of the rainy season. The photographers can use this particular time to take pictures because there are a lot of flowers that are so thriving. Here the vegetation is all green and the skies are so blue which offers a great background for the photographs.

Best time to Visit Volcanoes National Park: accessing this magnificent park is possible year-round, regardless of whether it is rainy or wet

Peak Tourist Season

The months of June, July, and August, as well as December and January, tend to be the busiest due to favorable weather conditions in the Northern Hemisphere and school holidays.

It’s advisable to book accommodations and activities well in advance during these peak periods.


Shoulder Seasons (April to May and October to November)

These months offer a balance between fewer crowds and relatively good weather.

Accommodations may be more available, and you might find some discounts compared to peak season rates.

Mountain Climbing

If you’re interested in climbing Mount Karisimbi or Mount Bisoke, the dry season (June to September) is generally recommended for better trail conditions and visibility.

However, note that climbing requires permits and proper planning, including acclimatization and physical fitness.

Gorilla Trekking

Gorilla trekking is a highlight of visiting Volcanoes National Park. Permits are limited and in high demand year-round, so it’s essential to book well in advance.

The experience of trekking to see mountain gorillas is not significantly affected by the season, although trail conditions may vary.


For photography enthusiasts, both the wet and dry seasons offer unique opportunities. The wet season’s lush vegetation and dramatic skies can create stunning scenes, while the dry season offers clearer views of the volcanic landscapes.

Consider your preferences regarding weather, crowd levels, and specific activities when planning your visit to Volcanoes National Park.

Where to stay during your stay in the Volcanoes National Park

There are many accommodation facilities that you can chose from depending on your budget. You may choose the luxury hotels for the big spenders that include; Sabyinyo silverback, the Virunga lodge or the gorilla nest Lodge.

Also, the mid-range lodges include; La bamboo lodge, mountain gorilla view lodge, and among the budget lodges, these include; Kinigi guest house, Hotel Muhabura, the Virunga Hotel and many more.

Definitely a trip to volcanoes National Park will be more than you can expect. You will see many primates and many other wildlife species and vegetation cover and many more. Just outside the communities, there are some fantastic communities that are very helpful most especially the cultural tours and the community visits.


February 23, 2023
[…] family: this family of 8 gorillas is led by Guhonda, the biggest and most gigantic silverback in Volcanoes National Park. This group is usually found between Sabyinyo and […]

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