Serengeti National Park in Tanzania
Serengeti National Park in Tanzania is one of Africa's most famous and spectacular wildlife reserves in the country of East Africa with vasit wildlife

Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, located in Tanzania, is one of Africa’s most famous and spectacular wildlife reserves. The park was established in 1951 and covers an area of approximately 14,750 square kilometers. Serengeti National Park was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1981 due to its significant ecological value.

Access to Serengeti National Park in Tanzania

By Air: The main entry points by air are through Kilimanjaro International Airport or Julius Nyerere International Airport in Dar es Salaam. From there, you can take a domestic flight to Seronera Airstrip, the park’s primary airstrip.

By Road: There are various entrance gates to the park accessible by road, such as the Naabi Hill Gate, Seronera Gate, and others, which can be reached via Arusha or other neighboring towns.

When to visit Serengeti National Park in Tanzania

Great Migration: The most popular time to visit is during the Great Migration, typically from late June to August, when millions of wildebeest, zebras, and other animals migrate across the plains in search of fresh grazing.

Dry Season: The dry season, from late June to October, is excellent for wildlife viewing as the animals gather around water sources, making them easier to spot.

Bird Watching: November to May offers excellent birdwatching opportunities as migratory birds arrive in the park.

Attractions in Serengeti National Park in Tanzania


Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, boasts diverse wildlife: the Big Five (lions, leopards, elephants, buffaloes, and rhinos), cheetahs, giraffes, zebras, and wildebeests thrive across its plains. The park hosts the Great Migration, an awe-inspiring spectacle with millions of wildebeests, zebras, and gazelles traversing in search of greener pastures. Predators like lions, hyenas, and leopards follow this migration, making it a prime spot for thrilling wildlife encounters. Over 500 bird species inhabit the park, including ostriches, vultures, and various raptors. The landscape varies from vast grasslands to woodlands, providing different habitats for a rich array of species. Safari tours and hot air balloon rides offer incredible opportunities to witness this diverse and abundant wildlife in their natural habitat.

Great migration:

Every year in Serengeti National Park, many wildebeests, zebras, and gazelles travel across the plains to find fresh grass. They move about 1,200 miles, following where the rain makes the grass grow. This trip goes in a circle between Serengeti in Tanzania and Maasai Mara in Kenya. They have to cross rivers like Grumeti and Mara where dangerous animals like crocodiles and lions wait for them. People usually see this from July to October. It is amazing to watch because there are so many animals moving together, and it attracts other animals like lions. This whole thing is very important for how the ecosystem works.

Hot air balloon safaris:

Hot air balloon safaris in Serengeti National Park offer a breathtaking adventure, providing a bird’s-eye view of the vast plains and wildlife below. Typically conducted during sunrise, these serene rides allow for unparalleled views of the landscapes, animals, and the Great Migration (depending on the season). Accompanied by experienced guides, passengers drift peacefully over the savanna, spotting herds of animals like elephants, giraffes, and lions, and gaining a unique perspective on the ecosystem. After the flight, participants often enjoy a champagne breakfast in the bush, adding a luxurious touch to this extraordinary wildlife experience.

Bird watching:

Serengeti National Park offers rich birdwatching opportunities with over 500 bird species. The diverse habitats, from grasslands to woodlands, attract a wide array of birds, including ostriches, vultures, eagles, and colorful species like lilac-breasted rollers and superb starlings. The park is a haven for raptors, providing sightings of martial eagles and bateleurs. Visitors can spot seasonal migratory birds, especially near water sources during the dry season. Areas like the Seronera River and the Grumeti River attract water-associated species like storks and herons. Experienced guides assist enthusiasts in locating and identifying these avian species, offering a rewarding birdwatching experience amidst the savanna’s stunning scenery.

Accommodation facilities in Serengeti National Park in Tanzania

Lodges: There are various lodges and tented camps within and around the park that cater to different budgets and preferences, such as Four Seasons Safari Lodge Serengeti, Serengeti Serena Safari Lodge, and many others.

Camping: The Park also offers public and special campsites for those looking for a more adventurous camping experience. These usually need to be booked in advance.


Ensure to check the latest travel advisories, entry requirements, and park regulations before planning your visit. Also, consider booking accommodations and tours in advance, especially during peak seasons, to secure your preferences.


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